Welcome to CBMC Houston's website

is a "Movement of Men"

Purpose - Intimacy with Christ
Vision - Every man a disciple-maker
Mission - Win, Disciple, Multiply

CBMC is Christian Business Men's Connection, a worldwide movement of business and professional men seeking to reach their peers for Jesus Christ.

We live in a swirl of corporate corruption, compromised integrity, moral decay in leadership, attacks from terrorists, broken families, discarded dreams and empty lives. Christ intentionally ministered and taught people in the villages and cities. Today’s cities and marketplaces are filled with people in desperate need - 75% of the US population lives in the largest 100 cities.

It is to this business community that God has called the men of CBMC to labor and has given them a vision to make a difference that impacts the world. A CBMC ministry team is a collection of people whose hearts God has touched to evangelize and make disciples in the business community and neighborhood.